Отец Джорджа Клуни назвал Амаль «суперженщиной»
The parents of the actor I adore my daughter-in-law.

Отец Джорджа Клуни назвал Амаль «суперженщиной»

George and Amal Clooney


George’s parents Nick Clooney and Nina Clooney


From the moment I became aware of
the birth of twins George Clooney on
light, the father of actor nick literally attacking reporters. This is not surprising — after all, everyone wants to know
new details about the new addition to the family of George and Amal. And Nick with undisguised pleasure
says about the twins and their parents.

“Although I am a journalist myself, I find it very difficult
tell us about the children of George — I’m too
worried. I can only say that the twins are beautiful!” said
Clooney is a senior.

The father of the actor has told, that has already seen
newborn Ella and Alexander, but still only on the computer screen. Case
that he and his wife were not able to fly to London, where Amal
gave birth to twins. Currently, they are at home, in Kentucky. And
I was able to talk with George and Amal, also look at the kids only when
the help of “Skype”. That, however, did not prevent the parents of the actor to see
the twins and told Nick, and he and
his wife was sure that the boy Alexander very like their son. Anyway,
mom Clooney swears that the boy’s “nose exactly like George”.

By the way, Nick doesn’t hide — he absolutely
happy that George has chosen to marry such a wonderful woman like Amal.
The father of the actor calls her as “superwoman”, and I am sure it will be
the perfect mom and deal with any difficulties. After all, Amal, solid
convinced nick is able to keep under
control literally everything.