Экс-супруга Вадима Казаченко раскрыла правду о тесте на отцовство
Olga had to go to court with a baby in her arms.

Olga Kazachenko with the baby in the court room

Photo: @olga__Olga kazachenko Instagram Kazachenko

Litigation between Vadim Kazachenko and his now ex-wife Olga is in full swing. On the eve of a 35-year-old ex-wife of singer came into the courtroom with the baby in her arms. She is now the defendant in 10 lawsuits filed by the actor against her. However, it intends to “war” with former lover to the end and, by the way, is preparing to appeal against the decision of the court about the fictitious nature of her marriage.

In addition, she is willing to do a test to establish paternity, which, by the way, even before the birth of the baby demanded he Kozachenko. Only now, according to Olga, he avoids the offer to conduct a DNA examination.

“As promised to help me, either before or after birth, and continues to do so. About his “Manifesto” that are hosted in their SOC. networks, with a great desire to enter a dialogue… of Course, it is also just big words to the public, no matter what dialogue he does not leave, and at my request to bring the passport to get the child benefit is not followed by any action. Despite his loud statements, except for the Council to go to work from his “allies,” while I go to the court as to work, sorry, friends… And from DNA he’s hiding!” — said Olga.

Incidentally, one of these days, when the ex-wife Kozachenko was hearing in the courtroom, Vadim himself at this time was on the stage of the Kremlin. Olga claims that the actor due to the scandal with the child raised his rating and increased revenues. “That complained about the lack of work, I think “PR” for which he deliberately went in this ugly story, instead of personally to solve everything with me, went for him. According to rumors, his fee increased to a million now!” — wrote Olga in the microblog.

Vadim at this time busy preparing for the wedding with Irina Amanti. The artist made a proposal to my Director last month during the fashion show.