Экс-солистка «Ранеток» Лена Третьякова вспомнила свой первый сексуальный опыт
Lena Tretyakov was one of the lead singers of the acclaimed group “Ranetki”.

Экс-солистка «Ранеток» Лена Третьякова вспомнила свой первый сексуальный опыт

The singer frequently communicates with his fans and tries to be as forthcoming as possible. On the same day Lena lost in memories and spoke about the frustration of the first experience of intimacy with a man.

Экс-солистка «Ранеток» Лена Третьякова вспомнила свой первый сексуальный опыт

“Take care of her “innocence” waiting for the love to 21 years. Do not wait and made a mistake. Was not sober, feeling no pain and disappointment. From then until 26 years sex for me was not pleasant”, – told the artist.

Recall that in the recent Tretyakov, much has changed, she lost weight and began to look more feminine.

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