Экс-солистка "ВИА Гры" Татьяна Котова предстала в рекламе без нижнего белья
Ex-soloist of the famous group “VIA Gra” Tatyana Kotova recently participated in is “Calvin Klein”.

Экс-солистка "ВИА Гры" Татьяна Котова предстала в рекламе без нижнего белья

She decided on a candid shot, which appeared without underwear. The photos appeared on the page of Tatiana in Instagram.

“Day of eats sounds and sunlight and water and other people’s secrets. Laura Baloian. Not a boring night for all of us”, – has signed a snapshot Kotova.

The photographs of Tatiana covers naked lower body only a corner of the blanket. But members praised this photo shoot stars.

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