Экс-солистка «Сливок» Карина Кокс намерена стать мамой в третий раз Former member of the popular band, whose hit song “Where the childhood leaves” continue to sing at school dances, explained what happened. The artist decided to devote more time to her beloved daughters. The youngest of the heiresses Karina year and a half.

35-year-old Karina Koks many remember as the soloist girl group “Slivki” blew up the dance floors songs “Where the childhood leaves”, “best”, “I’ll be loving you”, “Flying weeks”, “My star” and “Troubles.” At the time, the actress has received many awards, including “Song of the year”, “Golden gramophone” and “Golden disc”.

In early 2011, Karen has left the band and started a solo career – the singer began a collaboration with Black Star. Then coke some time worked with sound producer ChinKong. In recent years the artist has not heard anything. As it turned out, Karina is not sitting idle – the singer decided to focus on family and pays her a large amount of time. At the moment the woman busy raising beloved children – Cox is the mother of two daughters. According to Karina, she has no plans to stop there and is going to get pregnant for the third time.

“Shortly after leaving the band “Cream” I got married. Now we have a husband and two wonderful daughters, so the priority is my family. I want to spend more time with the kids – thanks to them, I’m evolving, discover something new. I would like to have a third child, but later – the youngest only a year and a half,” – said Karina.

Recall that Tina’s happily in a relationship with a famous DJ Eduard Agaevym. Wedding lovers took place on 12 December 2012. By the way, the same day their relationship decided to legalize the rapper djigan and Oksana Samoilov. The pair got married in the same registry office.

When Karina married Edward, she was preparing to become a mother for the first time. Charming heir to the newlyweds came to light a week later after they were married. In an interview with “StarHit” the singer admitted that her pregnancy was easy. “Honestly, I was afraid of stories about abortion. But most everything was natural and harmonious,” – said the artist.

Second child pairs came to light in October 2015. About the joyous event Kareena said in one of his social networks.

We also add that for more than ten years, the singer adheres to a healthy lifestyle. Being a vegetarian, Karina tries to take part in thematic events, which shares his experience with other people. When a woman has time, she has lectured. In addition, the artist, as she told Woman.ru takes an active part in the life of the club of young mothers. Karina organizes their meetings with various medical professionals.