Старший сын Майкла Джексона прокомментировал сообщения о педофилии со стороны отца

The tragic accidental death of the king of the pop scene, Michael Jackson happened in 2009. Since then, the name of the artist that changed the music world from time to time POPs up in the media. But the discussion becomes his creative legacy, and the consequences of the scandal connected with pedophilia, in which Jackson was embroiled in his own lifetime.

In an interview with reporters The Los Angeles Times’s eldest son Prince Michael Jackson spoke about how their families are coping with these unpleasant conversations.

According to the guy, informed any message regarding the topic of pedophilia, wounding every member of the family, but eventually they chose the news is to ignore, not to “tear” the soul of new experiences.

“At first it was a shock, — said the Prince. But we have learned to cope with it and now just ignore all”.