Герцогиня Кэмбриджская воспитывает будущего теннисиста
Prince George showed another talent.

Герцогиня Кэмбриджская воспитывает будущего теннисиста

Kate Middleton at Wimbledon

Photo: Splash News/East news

The Duchess of Cambridge, who recently visited the famous tennis tournament
the Wimbledon, managed to combine business with pleasure. Of course, Kate went
on competition, primarily because Velen her duty. In the beginning
this year Queen Elizabeth, gradually transferring its responsibilities to the members
the Royal family has appointed Kate is a patron of the British Club Tennis and
Croquet. And etot club, in turn,
is the direct organizer of the Wimbledon tournament.

However, the wife of Prince William has arrived on competitions not only in
responsibilities. The fact that Kate loves tennis. She and the Queen
gave her an honorary position, trying not to miss a single tournament. In addition, as said the Duchess
Cambridge, she is an avid tennis player. And William fully
shares her passion.

So the couple made sure to make themselves at Anmer Hall, their country
home – the best conditions to practice your favorite sport.
Incidentally, the reconstruction once built the old court cost
they are not cheap. As claimed, it was spent not less than 60 thousand pounds. But
now they can play in their free time as they want. However,
as admitted Kate, although she holds the racket very nice to resist
your spouse it difficult. The fact that William is left – handed, so to play with
it is not easy.

As told by the Duchess of Cambridge, into their family grows another
tennis player, and it seems very promising. Surprisingly, it
talking about the young Prince George, who this month marks three years. The
as told to Kate, he has his racket and he has already started
training. And, according to Duchess, George is already doing the first, very
good luck! So now among other talents of the young Prince, who, according
the view of his parents, differs extraordinary wit and love for
any kind of technology, you can add a sporty flair.

Герцогиня Кэмбриджская воспитывает будущего теннисиста

Prince William with son George

Photo: Splash News/East news


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  • Герцогиня Кэмбриджская воспитывает будущего теннисиста
    Kate Middleton

  • Герцогиня Кэмбриджская воспитывает будущего теннисиста
    Prince William

  • Герцогиня Кэмбриджская воспитывает будущего теннисиста
    Elizabeth II

  • Герцогиня Кэмбриджская воспитывает будущего теннисиста
    Prince George (George)


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