Врачи ужаснулись болезни Виктории Макарской
The singer has thrown all forces for treatment.

Victoria and Anton Makarsky

Photo: @Instagram makarskie Victoria Makarska

Victoria Makarska was forced to urgently fly to Israel for recovery. As told by the singer, she had a very heavy cold, the consequences of which led to the horror of doctors from the capital. “After touring a bad cold and ached. And ear, throat and nose. Usually suffer any hardship, and then, suddenly, the body protested, a Doctor in Moscow is slightly horrified by what he saw!” — said Victoria.

The singer learned of his illness, came in despair and cried. Later, the Israeli doctor has encouraged the Russian star. Under the threat turned out to be primarily a voice actress, so she recommended “quiet” for a few days. The difficulty is that two days later the couple Makarsky, Victoria stands with her husband, Anton, the planned “live” concert in Yaroslavl. The artist admitted that he had thrown all forces for treatment.

Along with a sea view Victoria gets daughter a four-year Masha. By the way, for heiress bride Israel is the home country. It is here, in one of the local hospitals, she was born. Birth are a long-awaited event in the family of Makarska. For a long time the star couple was unable to conceive heirs. Makarska appealed for help to the doctors, but they could not help them. When Anton and his wife have time to despair, Victoria learned that she’s having a daughter. And three years later she got pregnant again. And not so long ago, the singer admitted that she and her husband had planned the birth of a third child.