Дочь создателя фильма «Я шагаю по Москве» закрыли в психбольнице The successor Gennady Shpalikov suffers from loneliness in the boarding school for the mentally ill. Daria is now 55 years old, she has an apartment, but she was afraid to stay there alone, because I have forgotten how to care for themselves.
Дочь создателя фильма «Я шагаю по Москве» закрыли в психбольнице

Black stripe in the life of the successor of writer “I step through Moscow” and a dozen other Soviet paintings of Gennady Shpalikov came after the death of his parents. The famous Dasha’s father committed suicide when she was 11 years old. Experiencing a creative crisis, he was addicted to alcohol. Fearing for himself and the daughter left him wife – known actress Inna Gulaya. And that was the last straw.

Gennady unexpectedly killed himself – hanged himself at his dacha in Peredelkino. Near the body Shpalikov found a suicide note: “it is not cowardice – I can not to live with you anymore. Do not be sad. I’m tired of you. Dasha, remember! Shpalikov”. 16 years later, Daria left the mother, taking sleeping pills, not calculating the correct dose.

Дочь создателя фильма «Я шагаю по Москве» закрыли в психбольнице

The death of the only close person finally broke through to the girl. To cope with the grief, she became converted, went to live in Novopolotsky monastery in Kolomna. Six months later, Daria tried to go back to work, but from the Theatre-Studio of film actor, where Shpalikov served before the tragic events, she was fired. The administration explained it by the fact that Dasha had often gone to, disrupted performances. Then, on its own initiative, the woman decided to lie down on examination in the clinic. The last five years she has spent in the Moscow scientific center of mental health. As it became known “StarHit”, recently 55-year-old Daria, no livelihood, decided to go to a boarding school: there was nothing to pay for staying in a private medical facility.

Window of the world

“I left it all!” – crying Shpalikov, almost all of whose days are now all alone. March 19, the woman had a birthday, but none of the remaining friends was not able to come and congratulate her.

“Dasha is in a psychoneurological boarding school in the area of metro station “Kaluzhskaya” in Moscow, – says “StarHit” Svetlana, a former employee of the institution. – Shares a room with her Marina. This is the only person with whom she comes in contact: with other residents to find a common language failed. Twin beds, icons, candles – here’s the simple situation.”
Дочь создателя фильма «Я шагаю по Москве» закрыли в психбольнице

No special classes of patients of a boarding school there, so almost all day they are left to themselves. Perhaps that should without delay be for Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

“She loves to look out the window, pray – continues to Svetlana. – Most of the time she spends in the chair or on the bed, and sometimes goes to the Smoking room. Often complains that she wants some attention. Do not need much, enough the most simple phrases: “How are you doing?” “How is your health?” But helpful people in the environment there is no. Once a month, and even then not always, it comes to visit a few friends. You know, all your worries. For Dasha visits relatives – a veritable feast. They always bring sweets and drink tea.”

For Chalikovas carefully watching the staff watch in order to take medicine, injections… “Daria second group of disability, she is paid a pension of about 20 thousand rubles, – says Svetlana. But the clinic keeps of this amount, 80 percent. A woman receives a penny. After all, what can you buy for four thousand? Everything goes to the little things – cigarettes, Newspapers, magazines… Chalikovas want to know what’s going on behind the walls of the clinic. Before she wrote poetry, then he quit and now wants to resume. Many new works written in her personal diary, however, he has long been gathering dust in the nightstand. Dasha dreams of a tablet. If someone has the opportunity, would appreciate such a gift. Not necessarily new, the main thing that worked. Know the world is not without good people.”

Дочь создателя фильма «Я шагаю по Москве» закрыли в психбольнице

In the heart

According to the inhabitants of the house, once the home of Shpalikov, when she was in severe psychological depression after my mom died, some Svetlana Yushkevich took advantage of the situation. She offered Dasha to rewrite it two apartments, promising that will help. She agreed, but no care from the “guardian” all this time, not felt. After the high profile release of “Let them talk”, released in 2012, Daria was able to return one of the objects of real estate.

“Light a real swindler, – shares with “StarHit” the former roommate, Ekaterina Solovieva. Yeah, she, she buys clothes, puts money on cell phone bill… But women can’t be with each other. Dasha headache after her visits.”

Shpalikov has admitted that he wants to return to their apartment. But not yet with whom. The fact that now the woman can’t live alone, I have forgotten how to exist in the world, take care of themselves. She needs someone who will help you to adapt within the hospital.

“Once took care of her friend, but they quickly tired of each other, – says Katya. But it was the volunteers who supported, for example, actress Natalia Kustinskaya… Dasha is a very kind and loyal! However, a little wary of strangers. Could not recover after I saw that the journalists were filming her on a hidden camera. Crying, didn’t want to leave the room, to see her in such a depressed state.”

Now the state Chalikovas deteriorated, concerned about the bronchitis. “Drugs in the boarding school no, – said Solovyov. – Pray that’s all someone took from here. Once the Union of cinematographers of Russia promised to help, but in the end they lost. Another time was rescued by Nikita Mikhalkov, paying for the stay in the Centre for two months. Nobody wants other people’s problems. But I believe that there are empathetic people. For example, admirers of her mom still go to her grave, paint the fence, taking care of flowers… Dasha also haven’t been with my parents. Misses him. But is afraid that she will become worse after the trip to the cemetery…”

If you are willing to do anything to help Dasha, write to the author at: [email protected].