Дочь Дмитрия Марьянова предчувствовала его смерть The actor’s widow, which is now experiencing a very difficult period, talked about his final days. According to Xenia, they had not seen with her husband on Sunday when disaster struck. Shortly before the tragic events of Anfisa little worried about the father.
Дочь Дмитрия Марьянова предчувствовала его смерть

Sunday died the actor of theatre and cinema Dmitry Maryanov. The man was only 47 years. The cause of death of the artist was detached thrombus which occlude the pulmonary artery. The news of the sudden departure Maranova of life was a real blow for his loved ones. They could not believe what happened.

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Journalists contacted the widow of a celebrity, therapist Xenia BIK. Barely holding back tears, she told me that the Maryanov suffered from thrombosis. The man tried to follow the recommendations of doctors and often tested because you were worried about his health. According to Kseniya, it was not next to her husband on the day of his death. The woman is devastated.

“The last time we saw each other not in the day of his death… But on this day he wrote me his last words: “I love you so much”. And many exclamation marks. (…) On the last day of his life, daughter and I have not been around… And no friends near him was not. With him was close to a lot of people, but it’s definitely not friends,” said BICK.
Дочь Дмитрия Марьянова предчувствовала его смерть

The heiress of the artist Anfisa could not come to himself after the death of his father. According to Kseniya, she seemed a premonition of death. Shortly before the tragic event, the girl began to cry and said that he saw dad.

“Daughter, of course, terribly hard, but it was even worse before dad died: she had a presentiment of his death, – the woman told. Two days prior to a very bad went to school, although it always did with great pleasure. And here she is before leaving the house, was stubborn, and began to cry. I asked what the matter was, and she said, “Mommy, I feel so bad, I always see daddy.”

The widow of Dmitry Maryanov said that he considered his marriage with actor something “extraordinary”. The couple tried to keep secret the details of their personal lives and tried not to share them with the public. Dmitry and Xenia five years, concealed the birth overall daughter Anfisa.

During the meeting with correspondents Ksenia remembered family tradition. The famous actor tried to devote all free time to family. Every night Maryanov Anfisa read stories before bedtime. The artist liked to write stories and share them with your child. The woman was trying to commit works of Dmitry on paper. The couple had many plans for the future, reports Woman’s Day.

Dmitry Maryanov legalized relationship with Ksenia BIC in September 2015. The wedding ceremony took place in a narrow circle of relatives and friends of the bride and groom. After the wedding, the couple admitted that Anfisa is the biological daughter of the actor. The adopted daughter of Dmitry Marjanova was his own