«Танцующий миллионер» Вакки живет с бывшей и нынешней девушками

“A lot of women does not happen” – said 49-year-old Italian, who became famous dancing on a yacht in Instagram.

Recently, Gianluca Vacca came to Moscow and have time to visit the guests of the show of Andrey Malakhov “Let them talk”.

In an exclusive interview with millionaire told many interesting details of his life. We especially remember the fact that he lives under the same roof with his ex-girlfriend, blonde Raffaella and current girlfriend, brunette Georgia.

“Raffaella was engaged, but it was far in the past. She moved into my house recently and he lives with me and my current girlfriend Georgia,” admitted the Vacca. And then concluded: “so We decided, we are satisfied”.

In addition, the millionaire admitted that in the near future is not going to have children and to marry. His choice he argued that the creation of a family, he needs to find a special woman that he will be on the same wavelength. I wonder what will happen to Raffaella and Georgia?

The Italian hinted that he was afraid of old age and therefore, she does gymnastics and is on a diet. “I’m 49 years old. Every day I’m not getting any younger, and I always want to stay nimble and flexible,” he said Malakhov.

As for the fiery dances of the Vacca, it is not just his hobby, and all of life. The millionaire admitted that he likes to have fun, this is the whole meaning of his life.

“Why do you always tuck one pant leg?” also the interviewer asked. “And I don’t know. I always do. It’s part of me,” said the millionaire.