The Gianluca Vacca came to the program “Let them talk”. A foreigner came to visit Andrei Malakhov told the Russian audience why he is dancing. In the air the man performed the number with Anna Kalashnikova and met with Ksenia Borodina, “Instagram” which he signed.
49-year-old “the dancing millionaire” Italy’s Gianluca Vacca became the guest of the program “Let them talk”. A man came to Russia specifically to participate in the filming of the program Andrey Malakhov.
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A few months ago, Gianluca blew up the Internet with their rollers on which it moves under incendiary music together with his young friend Gabriele GA. His videos watched more than 10 million Internet users. The Vacca argues that all the numbers that are it demonstrates to a wide audience – is a continuous improvisation. According to the millionaire, he’s dancing all my life, and the companion GA helps him in this matter, as it had previously done ballet. Wife dancing millionaire from Italy: “He is the perfect man!”
“Life is for me nothing more than irony. I’m a prankster by nature, don’t take me seriously in any way. I always say that people who never laugh are not serious people,” said Vacca.
Gianluca said that never was engaged in dances, and all he knows is how he is “in the blood”. He is constantly watching her figure, so his gorgeous house in Bologna a huge area reserved for the gym and Spa area. The Italian admitted that he personally designed the entire Villa. During a visit to Wakka Andrey Malakhov learned how spends his days millionaire.
Gianluca believes that in life, you have to do what you love. He skillfully manages people, counting their steps, which allows him to earn money and not to go to the office.
Guest transfer from the Vacca was the host of the show “Dom-2” Ksenia Borodina. It turned out that millionaire from Italy follow her on “Instagram”. According to star, she learned about it accidentally. “I had someone wrote in the comments that “the first on you signed.” I was very surprised, I was pleased,” – said Ksenia.
The Italian showed a video with the dance Borodina, which are posted in her microblog. He was struck by the positive attitude of the presenter. “It’s important to dance. You need to have a attitude charge. In order to live well, to do everything to provide ease,” said Gianluca.
Surprise for the audience was the appearance of a woman named Rafaella, Zarda, which was familiar to Catherine Arkharov, was present in the Studio. “Me and Gwyneth were engaged in 2000-m to year. But much water has since flowed under the bridge. We parted friends, so she works with me and is familiar with Georgia”, – admitted the Vacca.
During a meeting with Vacca Andrey Malakhov invited him to choose the most spectacular girl brunette Russia. Italians are most interested in Anna Kalashnikov and Alsou. Since the heart is the first girl for the moment free, she seized the opportunity and came personally to meet a man. Kalashnikov has danced with Gianluca to the tune played by the accordion Alexey Vorobyov.
The Vacca said that beside him there can only be one special lady. “It should be interesting and should be able to match the speed of my thoughts. A woman should not leave me and to move in time and space, as I am,” said the millionaire.
The guests of the program with participation of popular Italian also became the writer Lena Lenina, host of “Match TV” Evgeny Savin, singer Andrei Kovalev and many other Russian celebrities.