«Танцующий миллионер» объяснил, почему не женится на подруге Gianluca Vacca introduced the Russian public with the GA. This girl glimpsed in his incendiary video. Thousands of people admire the grace and perfect figure brunette. It came with choice in Russia came on the show “Let them talk”.

      «Танцующий миллионер» объяснил, почему не женится на подруге

      In the second part of the program “Let them talk”, dedicated to the arrival of the dancing millionaire Gianluca Vacca of Russia, the man introduced the audience with his chosen Georgia Gabriele. She is his partner in many inflammatory videos, which he posts online.

      Everyone wondered how a girl who was younger than the Italian for 19 years, were able to find common language with him. Guests Andrei Malakhov striking brunette told about the relationship with Vacca.

      Wife dancing millionaire from Italy: “He is the perfect man!”


      “I did not notice a difference, he is more a child than I was,” said Georgia.
      «Танцующий миллионер» объяснил, почему не женится на подруге

      Andrey Malakhov advised First to propose a girl to marry during the broadcast. However, the millionaire modestly avoided conversation on the subject, explaining that his girlfriend and the way it is. “Her desires, aspirations – law to me,” said the Italian. The program showed a huge closet Georgia, where she uses luxurious dresses, shoes and handbags well-known brands.

      According to Vacca, his life changed with the advent of Georgia. The tattoo says “I love you, my” that adorns the hand of a millionaire, is dedicated to his friend. Gabriele revealed the secret of men: he was already married in 28 years. The Italian believes that marriage is a mistake, therefore, is in no hurry again to formalize the relationship.

      «Танцующий миллионер» объяснил, почему не женится на подруге

      Transfer came many Russians who are not shy to Express their emotions through dance. In the Studio, lit a pensioner with a stick, and Gunlocke presented a bodybuilder, who at the time of performance of athletes, performing “PA”.

      Recently, the Italian followers were worried about his health since he was treated. The Vacca said that in Sardinia caught a bacteria due to the presence in the body which gradually atrophy all muscles. However, according to him, he was able to overcome the disease.

      The Italian told that many years ago was a real ladies ‘ man. “I did not have relations with Russian women. Although perhaps I’m stretching the truth. I had a lot of women. I led the lifestyle of don Juan,” said Vacca. However, the striking brunette changed everything. “Marriage is not my marriage is a contract,” – said the Italian. In turn, the choice of the millionaire noted that the birth of a child is more important to him.

      “Georgia is the only woman in my life that gave me the idea of the son,” – said Gianluca.