Суд отказал 29 псевдородственникам Принса в наследстве

On a huge fortune of the Prince, which, according to various estimates is about 300 to 800 million dollars, like flies to honey, flew scammers. The court of Minnesota had rejected 29 “relatives” claim on the part of the inheritance.

Among them were numerous brothers and sisters, distant relatives, children and even a woman who tries to convince everyone that she was the lawful wife of the contractor. Supposedly they are not officially announced the marriage because it was secret intelligence. Several people assured the judge that they are the descendants of the sisters great-grandfather Prince.
In addition to these 29 people, who already can claim the inheritance, the court ordered six more to make a DNA test to confirm or deny a possible relationship.
Recall that the Prince’s body found on April 21 of this year in the lift of his Studio in Minneapolis. She died at the age of 57 years.

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