Суд разрешил Стефану Белафонте видеться с дочкой

A small victory Stephen Belafonte. The husband of British singer Melanie brown, better known as Mel b, soloist of the Spice Girls, has received court approval for the meeting with his daughter Madison. At the time of filing an application for divorce, the actress got a temporary ban husband on the approach, and a ban on his meetings with her daughters. Melanie accused her husband of many years the home of tyranny and abuse, violence and coercion to group sex, but, regardless of such terrible accusations, the court reconsidered its decision and allowed Stefan to see his daughter.

Producer intends to achieve in court of communicating with the other daughters, Melanie who were raised as relatives, all these years (Mel also has daughter angel with Eddie and Mary eighteen, Phoenix, born in the first marriage).
Judicial authorization extends only to meeting biological daughter, that is, Madison. A movie producer might see her eight hours a week, and this time will be divided into two days. Schedule of meetings Stefan will have to negotiate with the still legal wife.
In defense of Stephen, he expressed and nanny daughters, spouses, and a stripper who shared with brown and Belafonte marriage bed. Women claim that initiated the Threesome was just Melanie, and Stephen is actually a very gentle person, which is not inherent aggression. Besides, she and Mel are unable to provide the court enough evidence of aggressive behaviour of the spouse.
Brown told the court that her husband shot the video of an intimate nature and kept it in free access on the computer where the videos could easily see children. In addition, Belafonte kept in the house of an unregistered firearm, and threatened his wife.
Recall that the ex-husband of Melanie and father of her eldest daughter has already said that if everything said by the singer of Stefan – though it means that she has not coped with motherhood and ten years risked the health and lives of children living side-by-side with such a psycho.