Автор хита Киркорова: «Я продал «Жестокую любовь» за $1000»

Oleg Popkov in conversation with Woman’s Day said it will apply for Marouani counterclaim.

The king of show business, the most popular and gifted singer in the country is so exhausted by the scandal with the French musician Didier Marouani, forced to hide from reporters at public events. So, in the “Song of the year”, held on Saturday 3 November, Philip was reasonably suspected that the press will again be interested in the progress of cases against colleagues from France. And the media never had a chance to get even a short interview. However, the singer this month have already stated many times that outraged by what is happening around his hit single “tough love”. To such an extent that he went for help to the police, which checks. Kirkorov and his well-known lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky expressed hope that police will initiate a criminal case on the fact of extortion of 1 million euros.

In turn, the side Marouani in the face of his lawyer, Igor Trunov also goes on the offensive and already filed a complaint with the public Prosecutor and the statement to the interior Ministry for obviously false denunciation.

The only one who spoke in interviews with Woman’s Day from members of the public quarrel, was Oleg Popkov is the author of the notorious “tough love”. At our request, Oleg Vladimirovich has answered the question when he still wrote this hit.

— The first test flight was in 1996, 20 years ago. Arranged and computer files, which have been preserved, dated 1999, – explains Oleg Popkov. And when I was ready arrangement, the song was immediately executed. I sang it at St. Petersburg restaurant “Academy” in the group “the Miracle island”. Her writing I was inspired by personal events, my personal tough love. I have everything goes in parallel – the music and text. I was born just a chorus, and then in the process picked up the word.

— So you still coincided with Maruani a year of writing songs?

— If to speak about what we wrote in one year, I had at least somewhere to hear the song Marouani. I was in St. Petersburg, and in France the first time came only in 2003. We are talking about the fact that in 1999, my song had been fulfilled. And I have writing before the premiere, often takes an average of three years. As in this case.

“Plagiarism” Maruani wanted to receive 1 million euros. How many you got?

In those days, who was I? Generally not known to anyone the author. Of course, for me and 1000 dollars was good money. So then it was worth. Some of the songs I cheaper sold because the time was such.

Copyright as works? The author can take a song and give. The song will “earn” each time the artist sings it. Not saying it’s huge, astronomical sums, but the money that is made to exist. Then I song sold.

— Who would have known that the song will be popular. Indeed, there is evidence that Kirkorov has earned on it about 400 million roubles.

— Would know prikup, would live in Sochi. But I’m not complaining, everything is fine. Anyway, this song is for me a landmark and I’m very happy that her Philip did. Because that would be a different performer, she could be lost and not be known. Has a lot of factors to coincide to the song.

— How did you react to the situation?

— It was a shock situation. But now a Rubicon is passed, the process is running, nowhere to retreat, and I have to defend their case. Therefore, work has already begun on a counterclaim. And in due time all I know the truth. Because that is outrageous! The done moral and material harm. All affected work on the business. Philip concerts disrupted.

— And could not be a coincidence?

— I think I could. But, by the way, I didn’t come to France, and he came to Russia. But there are similar to the borrowing case with the song Irene Cara “Fame” which very much resembles one of the tracks Marouani.