Предполагаемый отец Юлии Липницкой пытается связаться с ней Former military Vyacheslav claims to be a parent of the famed figure skater who had finished their sports career after unsuccessful attempts triumphant return to the ice. The man shared the story of the relationship with the mother of the girl in the First channel.
Предполагаемый отец Юлии Липницкой пытается связаться с ней

In late August, the mother of 19-year-old Olympic champion Yulia Lipnitsky announced that her daughter, who suffered from anorexia, has finished sports career. Statement of Daniela Leonidovna provoked heated discussions in social networks. The famous figure skater devoted the program “Men and women” with Julia Baranovskaya and Alexander Gordon, which brought together sports experts, commented one of the main news of this week.

In the broadcast transmission appeared Vyacheslav Lipnitsky, claiming that he is the father of the celebrated figure skater. At the moment, the man lives in Israel, near the border with Palestine. Once he was in the military and is now retired. Lipnitsky wants to find a common language with the daughter, experiencing a difficult period. Vyacheslav sure Julia is his heir.

“In 2014 Sochi Olympics. I noticed the name of one of the participants. I saw myself… I am 100 percent. I was googling online and saw that Yulia’s mother Daniela, and immediately realized that it was my girl. Agree fully all the dates when I met her. (…) I got a phone number and I contacted. The tube was raised Julia, her voice I recognized immediately. She handed the phone to mom, she said I didn’t call”, – says the man.
Предполагаемый отец Юлии Липницкой пытается связаться с ней

In June 2015 Vyacheslav arrived in Moscow on the day of birth of alleged daughter. He wanted to meet a girl and brought her gift to the skating rink “Crystal”. “At first it went well. After a phone call the mother of Julia, everything changed immediately. I gave the gift, wrote a letter and left,” recalled the man.

Vyacheslav says that he did not know about the interesting situation of Daniela. According to Lipnitsky talks, darling conceal from him that information.

Предполагаемый отец Юлии Липницкой пытается связаться с ней “First we met, then started to live together. We knew each other for about a year… When we broke up, I told her that I was taken to Chechnya. She didn’t say anything. I didn’t know she was… she had mood swings, she didn’t want to see me. If I had known she was pregnant, I would not go in the army,” he said.

Ex-military says he had no time for personal life, so Julia is his only child. Guests expressed surprise at the fact that Vyacheslav and the known sportswoman have one name, if the man did not register his relationship with Daniela. His mother Natalia tried to answer the participants ‘ questions.

Предполагаемый отец Юлии Липницкой пытается связаться с ней “My maiden name was Alexeyev, and the marriage – Lipnitsky. With her first husband, we split up, I have two son,” she said.
Предполагаемый отец Юлии Липницкой пытается связаться с ней

Vyacheslav believes that his daughter needs support, so do not leave attempts to see her. The man came to Moscow, because he believes in the opportunity to meet with Yulia. Presenter Alexander Gordon acknowledged that the skater is really similar to the character transfer. However, Daniela Lipnitskaya and to hear wants nothing about the alleged father of a skater. Editors, the program managed to contact the woman who gave to understand that she was strongly against communication Slava and Julia.

“What do you care? This is our life. He wants people to do it their sense of life, well let. This is debunked in five minutes, but just why should we do that? To me it is absolutely not necessary. Stranger, let him anything you want, he says. (…) Neither I nor Julia, no go on any channel, on any gear. Never. You know? Well, who needs it? I don’t need. And Julia is not necessary. Yulia needs only to be left alone all. To have forgotten even how to look,” said the woman.
Предполагаемый отец Юлии Липницкой пытается связаться с ней

Alexander Gordon believes that, in the words of Daniela Lipnitskaya is possible to draw several conclusions. “First, my mother Julia you do not know, do not want to know and considers an impostor. Second, it indirectly confirmed that the mother decided to make about Julia forgot everything. So her retirement is still mother in this short interview confirmed”, – shared the leading talk show.

Gordon also noted that the EU, being an athlete, regularly donate samples for doping. “Is that urine and blood DNA. If today our hero will pass the test, and we compare it with those that will receive from the sports Committee, whether it’s the second series transmission?” – asked Alexander. The Studio had supported him with cheers, and Vyacheslav agreed to undergo such examination. According to the man, he is ready on much for the sake of his daughter. Ex-military even plans to sell his car and give Julia a new vehicle.

“I know that car, which she received at the Olympics, her mother immediately sold. I know this information from reliable sources. As a father, I want to buy your child a car,” said Vyacheslav.