Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov scared fans with photo of old colleagues.
Unfortunately, time can not be reversed and even the stars can’t cheat the aging process. Suspend – possible, but avoid no. We have to admit the fact that our artists are not getting any younger. “Ivanushki International”, for example, much more than 20 years on stage. To us they all seem cheerful and full of energy, but they have really not far off retirement. And Sergei Zhukov how many years singing “Baby mine”? And the leader of the group “Disco Crash” Alexey Ryzhov can tell, a veteran of the Russian show-business…
In the course of these considerations was born the idea for a clip: one group decided to dream up what will look like “old men” of our platform in real old age, years 70.
“Soon the clip of one famous group! — signed joint with Alexey Ryzhov and Sergei Zhukov the Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov. — The old light. In 70 years we will still do”.
Fans of artists were in shock. Some, unable to read the text under the photo, he was afraid that so real without stage makeup look soloists favorite bands. The others laughed heartily over the imagination of the artists. Some even noted that the Grigoriev-Apollonov more like a grandmother than a grandfather. Well, and others concluded that even in old age singers look great. “Red, you’ll always be a red one, to young and shameless!” – wrote one of the fans of the group.