Темникова боится пить из стаканов в гостиницах

The singer became a member of the cast of “revizorro” on the channel “Friday!”.

In today’s release, Lena was Flying two star assistant – Timur Rodriguez and Elena Temnikova, who themselves have experienced what it’s like to be on the other side.

Rodriguez, the program got the role of a mystery guest. The task of the performer was to arrive at one of the capital’s renowned restaurants and order the most expensive dishes. Like nothing complicated, but… Timur came to the school disguised. He was wearing a ridiculous blue coat, colorful pants, a fake moustache, in General, it is not Rodriguez, and one incomprehensible.

Strange visitor with no questions allowed in the restaurant, immediately brought him a menu and took the order. But later the Manager asked the guest to pay for all the dishes at once, explaining that the institution of such rules. So he should believe you!

Then Timur has changed and the screen began to serve completely different. It turned out that paying in advance is not necessary, is the guest of the master and may do as you wish. Here the contrast is obvious. The establishment, which bills itself as a restaurant open to all, was special for some. By the way, eat meals Timur did not dare because the presenter showed him the meat found in the freezer of the restaurant, and it was expired two years ago!

Not with the best results was completed and verification is a 4-star hotel in the capital, where he settled Elena Temnikova. The singer got the most expensive room for 13900 rubles per day. And what it found the singer? Dirty filters in air conditioning and the cups clearly washed somehow. Even at the entrance to the room Temnikova asked the Fly: “And the fungus can pass through the socks?” Then the singer explained that she is in the hotel not walk barefoot, just wearing Slippers.

As fastidious Lena was in relation to the linens.

“Enter and immediately inspect the linen. Here hair and here red hair,” the singer said, and then sniffed the pillow, so to speak, tested for freshness.

Even Flying was struck by such close inspection.

“I always thought I’m the meticulous. Before I met Lena Temnikova”, – commented on the test host.

The last straw for Temnikovo steel glasses at the hotel. The star admitted that she is always concerned with the question: how can wash it? Do not carry same to the kitchen? The singer suspected, likely, the maid only propulsive them, and then wipe dry with a linen, which is going to go in the wash. And, it seems that the theory of Temnikovo not so far from the truth. The glasses were dirty. Here you have room for 13900 per day!