Подростковые фото Альбины Джанабаевой были высмеяны ее поклонниками
Popular singer Albina dzhanabaeva happy marriage with Valery Meladze with his wife and two sons.

Подростковые фото Альбины Джанабаевой были высмеяны ее поклонниками

The singer always comes out in a carefully chosen way, but it turns out that Albina was not always so spectacular. Recently, the actress shared with the followers their teenage photos where she’s 13.

Подростковые фото Альбины Джанабаевой были высмеяны ее поклонниками

“Really, where are your eyebrows?”, “And my eyebrows where?” “She here, 13, looks on all 20” – write under the photo of the users on the Network.

It should be noted that Valery and Albina for a long time concealed his affair, but later, the actor still divorced with the first wife, with whom he lived for 20 years in marriage.

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