Татьяна Волосожар и Максим Траньков отметили двойной праздник
Skater daughter is two months old.

Tatiana Volosozhar, Maxim Trankov and their daughter Angelica

Photo: @fire_bird Instagram Tatiana Volosozhar

The family of Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov on the eve celebrated at once two events. The birth of a daughter skaters coincided with the day of Holy Easter. Little Angelica Maksimovna or “Princess”, as she calls her mother, already two months old. The athlete gladly shows to subscribers in social networks photos of her close-knit family.

Tatiana, by the way, considers her pet dog named Dexter a full-fledged member of the family. The other day she shared a quote from the movie “D’artagnan and three Musketeers”, which Volosozhar, perfectly describes the atmosphere in her house. “While the four of us until we are together! And it is and it is a matter of honor! One for all and one! And this is our success! So we live…” — said the skater.

By the way, Tatiana, despite the fact that quite recently became a mother, has returned to serious training on the ice. Sporsmenka yet thinks not, but hopes to return to the previous form to the Olympics in 2018, which will be held in Pyeongchang. Maxim, by the way, while with my wife was on maternity leave actively tried himself in the role of a commentator of events in the world of figure skating.