Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!» The famous figure skater told “StarHit” about the excitement during the marriage with Alexei Yagudin and how she manages to combine work and parenting. The youngest heiress Michelle was born 2 October 2015. Tatiana Totmianina do not trust the upbringing of the baby to the nanny, and tries to engage itself with the development of the child.

      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»

      Skater Tatiana Totmianina after the birth of second daughter wanted to be back on the ice. Several months later the athlete was in the form to become part of the show “Carmen”, which appeared on the initiative of Ilya Averbuch. The second year the show represent in Sochi. Ilya Averbukh would like to show performance of “Carmen” in ten countries around the world, and he believes that it will succeed. At the moment, people from all over the country come to the Olympic capital to see one of the most exciting performances on ice. Now the legendary show is about Tatiana Totmianina. “StarHit” talked to a famous figure skater and learned how her life has changed after marriage and the birth of the youngest daughter, and found out what it was worth returning to the ice.

      After nine years of marriage, you only this year decided to formalize the relationship with Alex. What changed after marriage? Did all the things couples usually fear?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»Decided. Alex proposed to me 10 years ago, but we have not seen the need formally to sign. This year already had two children, so I decided that it was time. After his marriage, in our life nothing has changed. Only two passports were two of the stamp. We treated it with humor and continue. The public is happy, now we all. All the rules.
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»
      What was the most exciting day of the wedding? How you imagined this moment before?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»As it turned out, the whole procedure is quite exciting. I’ve never been to a wedding, I had no idea what it is. As in Krasnoyarsk Alexey has a lot of friends, all decided to make a surprise and come to our wedding, it was doubly exciting. It’s one thing when you two are standing in front of the Registrar and the other behind you when thirty people. Everything was more solemn than I expected. I thought it was “hee-hee Yes ha ha”, it’s simple, and it was not the case. I even understand why some brides run away. By the way, I had no desire to leave the wedding, as we have been preparing for this event.—
      In what dress wanted to marry, under what conditions? Everything is true?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»Had no desire to stand in a white marshmallow gown. I even joked that when that happens, I’ll be in the black or red outfit. When Alex said, “All we go to ZAGS, I had a one day break on tour, I returned to Moscow to see the younger daughter. Managed to get to the store, picked up that dress that was my size, the color and style did not pay attention. And in this outfit I appeared on the marriage ceremony.—
      Tell me, was there a feeling that time in nine years of relationship you are married, it is unlikely that this will happen?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»Never thought about the fact that we are such or are doing something wrong. We were a family with children.—
      You repeatedly admitted that the joint life with Alex has never been easy. It becomes a matter of dispute or a cause of conflict now?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»As a rule, wild fatigue becomes cause of quarrels. When you constantly move, change the time zone, become grumpier. Sometimes don’t even know where Wake up. Fatigue causes all the conflicts.
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»
      How has your life changed after having children?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»Has become more difficult. Just have more responsibility. You already do not just pack a suitcase and not rush somewhere. But we have to schedule one, then another baby… We started to live a more relaxed lifestyle. For us it is even better, as now, the children can stay in one place. Children are planned, wanted, so we were ready to such changes.—
      Changed your nature and habits, the appearance of a little Michelle?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»The appearance of Michelle was difficult. She was born two months premature, all very experienced, would recover the child. I became more responsible and attentive to the health of children, trying to spend with them time.

      The daughter of Totmjanina and Yagudin was saved by the doctors

      What principles of parenting do you practice? The children in the house is strictly forbidden?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»There is nothing that kids can’t have something. However, I am opposed to gadgets. The child needs development. Lisa sometimes asks adults to read to her. There are various ways to entertain the kids. This does not mean that I advocate complete isolation from gadgets. All around use. Once or twice a week lease is issued an iPad and she watches cartoons.—
      And the mobile phone, and Lisa got?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»No. Machine for occasional use, when we are absent, to call us.
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»
      Not so long ago you admitted that fear for the younger daughter so that does not even move from her bed, and anyone not ready for her keep. Fear still did not leave you?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»The youngest daughter still doesn’t have a babysitter. We try on their own. Sometimes sit with her grandma and grandpa, nanny, eldest daughter helps. But no crazy stuff like what was in the first months after the birth of Michelle, I’m still a working mom. —
      As you now look after your daughter? As a growing and developing baby?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»The only time that I spend with my children is when I’m working. In education use a variety of toys for her age. We do a lot of walking, swimming. All that is possible to do with the children when they are no more. Michelle laughs wildly when our little dog’s nose hits the ball. If the dog is nearby, then pulls the handle to her, trying to hold her. The animal is not always pleasant, but it suffers.
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»
      When you understand that you are ready to return to the ice? Was not against Alex?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»Husband didn’t mind as the stay-at-home wife is driving everyone crazy. Every woman from any family it is useful to partially work. Alex didn’t tell me: “stay at home”. We’re not living in the 17th century. I immediately knew that I would be as soon as possible to get in shape and get out on the ice. After the birth of Lisa I quickly returned to the sport. This time the return was slightly delayed, only two months later, I was able to start working on the show.—
      Does it feel to work as something else? It does not become difficult to speak?
      Татьяна Тотьмянина: «Мы с Алексеем поженились, чтобы быть как все!»Childbirth is not add health to the woman, but rather select a part of it. I like that in my daily life there is exercise. It allows you to be in great shape. As a rule, a figure is something that directly affects a woman’s self-esteem.—
      What it means for you part in the production of “Carmen”?
      Our entire team is already the second year doing this show. Previously I was as a spectator, this year has returned to the team. When looking at the production from the audience, very envious colleagues. Knew I wanted to soon be among them. Any project of Ilya Averbukh is a huge success, so I’m happy to work with him.

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