Татьяна Тарасова возмущена неопытностью российских фигуристов
Now in South Korea pass Winter Olympic games, which riveted the attention of fans of winter sports.

Татьяна Тарасова возмущена неопытностью российских фигуристов

Recently were single skaters, and the Russian sportsmen were not very good. Mikhail Kolyada during your numbers fell, but arose, and continued performance. This level of training athletes has angered the famous coach Tatiana Tarasova.

Татьяна Тарасова возмущена неопытностью российских фигуристов

“To be our could not. I don’t koshmary carols, but he did go on minus three and a half. It is unclear why the decline is considered to have “made”. Everyone is a failure, and they have done. Everything comes from training, there is the same. While others admire and want to admire our. Hopefully, one day it will happen. Now everyone is talking about Asians – but sorry, before Asians or what was not, in the days of Yagudin and Plushenko? What Asians then sat in jail the whole country?” – said Tarasova.

It should be noted that both of the Russian skaters fell during the performance, taking seventh and eighth place.

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