In 2011, the fiancé of Tatyana Ovsienko was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. The investigation took three years and in August was sentenced. Alexander Merkulov was sentenced to four years in prison. In jail, Alexander will have to spend another six months, because three years out of the four awarded, he had already served in jail.
All this time Ovsienko tried to remain silent and not to talk about this misfortune in her family. Now Tatyana has decided to break the silence and spoke about his feelings regarding the stay of the beloved in places not so remote.
“Separation is a thing very cruel. She is relentless. The inability to touch your loved one, to smell it… My life was turned on its head. I don’t understand how it is to live. I am very hurt, and pain comes. I am constantly crying and asking higher powers why as soon as I started to feel that love me, all of this happened?” — she said in an interview with journalists of NTV.
Tatiana admitted that her lover insisted that she accompanied him all the trials that fell to his share, but Ovsienko almost as the wife of a Decembrist, decided to wait for a loved one and believed in the best outcome.
By the way, the singer is planning a family with Alexander and even wants to give eat child: “I want to have a family and is willing to give Sasha a son or daughter. Now there are different opportunities.”