Татьяна Лютаева тяжело приняла развод дочки Агнии с Алексеем Чадовым The actress became the heroine of the program “the Destiny of man” with the YouTube Korchevnikov on the TV channel “Russia 1”. Tatiana told how he suffered two divorces, which she had a son and a daughter. Also the actress openly admitted how difficult she went through a breakup daughter Agnes Ditkovskite and her husband Alexey Chadov.
Татьяна Лютаева тяжело приняла развод дочки Агнии с Алексеем Чадовым

Tatiana lutaeva became famous after the role in the film “midshipmen, forward!”. The actress was considered one of the most beautiful women in Soviet and Russian cinema. The actress was married twice, but, in her confession, in all marriages, she soon realized that her beloved and she is from a “different test”.

First husband Luchevoy became Lithuanian actor Olegas has Ditkovska. In this Union the artist is a daughter, Agnes, child of the stars followed in the footsteps of famous parents.

Tatiana remembered why I broke up with an ex-spouse for the sake of which once left a career in Moscow and moved with him to Lithuania.

“Some days he could be with friends, and I’m home waiting for him, didn’t know anyone in another town. When I gave birth to Agnise, immediately went to try out for the Lithuanian theatre. Remember, I was already about to give birth at all, and now he’s gone again for a few days. It was drizzling, I walked right down the street and turned right, went to the cinema watching Indian movie and cried. Thought: “I will Come home and he is worried.” Came – it is not. But I don’t blame him. At the time I was just very hurt and sad,” recalled the actress.
Татьяна Лютаева тяжело приняла развод дочки Агнии с Алексеем Чадовым

Soon the marriage of Tatiana and Olegas collapsed. The actress admitted that she had to provide for his family.

“When he realized I was gone, he immediately found a job. Stopped abusing alcohol. I acted in movies, played in the theater. This is a problem for both, it’s not just him. Yes, I had to speak with him, with children, with loved ones. But when once swallowed the insult, second, third – get a cake “Napoleon”, – said Tatiana.

Татьяна Лютаева тяжело приняла развод дочки Агнии с Алексеем Чадовым

Second husband of Tatiana became Lithuanian Director, Rokas Ramanauskas. In this marriage, the actress gave birth to her son Dominic. Lutaeva frankly told that one again filed for divorce. The star decided to take drastic action: took the two children and returned to Moscow. Here actress almost from scratch and started to build a career.

“We originally were different, when you realize that it’s not your Cup of tea, you let the man be happy,” admitted Tatiana.

Lutaeva said that in the capital she met new lover. In the film she met cameraman Dmitry. As recognized by the actress, the man helped her in a difficult period, when very ill, her mother.

“Together we took Dominic to the first class, and he really helped a lot. When my mother had a stroke, he stayed with her in the hospital for a few days, did what not even always children for parents make. But we were just different people”, – said lutaeva.

Despite the setbacks in his personal life, Tatiana has admitted that he believes in love. The actress is convinced that she’ll meet a native person, which will gain happiness.

“I know that in front of the screen sits the man I will love for real. The one who is my destiny. I just want to encourage all women not to be afraid to be alone,” said the artist.

Also lutaeva frankly told in the program that the real blow for her was the divorce of the daughter with her husband. Agnia Ditkovskite met actor Alexei Chadov in 2006. In 2009, their relationship broke down, but three years later resumed. In 2012, the artists were married, they had a son Theodore. A few years ago, Chadov and Ditkovskite parted again.

“Agnes wanted to live life with one person. And Lyosha became for me to relatives and friends. When situations like this gap affect my children… For me it’s very painful,” shared lutaeva.

The actress confessed that now for her main man – the grandson of Fedor. Tatiana loves the boy.