Тарасов и Костенко открыто флиртуют в Сети The young people support each other’s attentions. Fans of Dmitry Tarasova sure that he had an affair with a charming brunette. The young people themselves prefer not to speak about their possible relationship.

      Тарасов и Костенко открыто флиртуют в Сети

      According to some reports, the footballer Dmitry Tarasov Dating model Anastasia Kostenko. The girl who in 2014 became the winner of the title “Vice-Miss Russia”, prefers not to speak about his personal life. It has repeatedly signaled that it does not intend to speak on this subject. Anastasia not confirm nor deny his alleged affair with a famous athlete. However, judging from the accounts of young people in social networks, they are in a good relationship. Kostenko recently signed up for a microblog Tarasov and left him a nice comment. Many fans of Dmitry sure that the way the girl flirts with him.

      Tarasov pulled on holiday for Kostenko thousand euros

      Тарасов и Костенко открыто флиртуют в Сети

      Note that Anastasia Kostenko is only relatively recently returned to the social network. After the girl attributed the relationship with the ex-spouse of known TV presenter, she’s a few months hasn’t updated his “Instagram”. Fans of the ex-wife of Dmitry Tarasov gave the model harassment on social networks. In their opinion, Anastasia was taken away from the beloved family. The player himself prefers to abstain from commenting about possible involvement by the participant of beauty contests. In a recent interview Tarasov said that began a new phase in life. According to Dmitry, he has never sought publicity and dreams of a quiet life.

      However, Anastasia Kostenko, apparently tired of the numerous conjectures of the public. The girl attributed not only to the affair with midfielder of “Locomotive”, but the fascination with plastic surgery. Anastasia is outraged by the comments of the envious. “Someday people will stop to read the vague unknown of the publication, leave your opinion where it is not popular to believe everything you read, write nasty things to strangers, and to blame people for something they didn’t do,” said Belle.

      Earlier Olga Buzova turned to the ex-spouse on social networks, indirectly confirming a new novel by the player. Television personality and aspiring singer finds that the athlete did not fair towards her. In his comments to the publication of a footballer Buzova made it clear that suspected Tarasova hobby participant of beauty contests. “Dmitry, you should write, why we parted ways? Tell how you cheated on me with “misskay”?” asked a celebrity. Answering claims of a former lover, Tarasov asked her to stop the public squabbling. He believes that this question is closed. Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov gave a public scandal