Тамара Гвердцители зареклась не выходить замуж после третьего развода The singer came to the Studio of the program “the Destiny of man” with the YouTube Koschevnikovi. People’s artist was thrice married, but truly loved only the spouse of Dmitry. Elect Tamara died from cardiac arrest.
Тамара Гвердцители зареклась не выходить замуж после третьего развода

Tamara Gverdtsiteli began her career in early childhood. Singer for a short time won the hearts of millions of viewers around the world. Despite the national love, the fate of the artist presented her with many losses and pain.

In the Studio of “the Destiny of man” Tamara Mikhailovna told that her first marriage failed, second husband died from cardiac arrest, and with her third husband, the artist is not converged characters.

The first spouse Gverdtsiteli Giorgi Kakhabrishvili was much older artist. In the mid-80s he held the position of Deputy Chairman of the public broadcaster of Georgia. The man made offer Tamara Mikhailovna, when she acted in Afghanistan, the singer immediately agreed. In this Union the couple had a son Alexander. However, in the early ‘ 90s has fallen on hard times, George couldn’t find a new job. Gverdtsiteli was supporting the family alone.

“Yes, those were the times when he toured. I couldn’t just send money. I did it delicately because it’s just money to send Georgian man… It’s impossible. I tried to send something from France, from Moscow. It could be a beautiful coat things. This intuition, education. Everything plays a role. Yes, to a certain point, it was,” said the artist.

Despite the dedication and love of the famous couple, Kakhabrishvili very jealous of the singer. He wanted the artist was a simple wife who takes care of her child and home, but Tamara Mikhailovna chose a career. Soon the couple divorced, the singer moved to Moscow together with his son Alexander.

In the mid-90s Gverdtsiteli had a rest abroad, in Miami and her close friend Martha invited the artist to visit. There Tamara Mikhailovna met her future second husband, Dmitry.

“He was a native of Baku, then moved to the USA, has made a career lawyer. Martha was a white Grand piano, on request, I sang. He drew attention to me. It was a young man, very educated, we struck up a conversation about music. I immediately felt that this difficult person”, – shared the singer.
Тамара Гвердцители зареклась не выходить замуж после третьего развода

This meeting changed the lives Gverdtsiteli. Dmitry adored singer, the man even agreed for her to move from America to Russia. “You can’t trade the fate of the actress on Indian happiness. This man was willing to go for love,” said star.

Tamara Mikhailovna was at the hospital when he learned the terrible news: Dmitry anymore. Artist and to this day can not without tears, to remember the beloved. “They called me and said he died of a heart… That his parents love me… And somehow this all ended. I didn’t understand how could it happen. I didn’t want to accept it,” recalled the singer.

After the death of the spouse, the actress could not speak. But after a while Tamara Mikhailovna tried to build a family with another man, she met doctor Sergey Ambatiello. Soon the couple formalized the relationship, but the Union was short-lived. Tamara Mihajlovna admitted in the program that he believes a third marriage fail. “It would be better if I wasn’t in his life. And in my” – said Gverdtsiteli.

At the end of the program Tamara Mihajlovna admitted the TV presenter and the audience that has dedicated his life to the stage, more falling in love Gverdtsiteli unwilling.