На Сильвестра Сталлоне подали в суд на $7 миллионов

Sylvester Stallone will soon appear before court. The reason for the proceedings was the assignment of an actor, Director and producer of someone else’s intellectual property. We are talking about the scenario of a new reality show, which recently broadcast on NBC. Stallone is the producer of the program, and therefore would be liable in court.

A lawsuit filed against Sly personal trainer Robert Fletcher, who claims that he is the author of the program, which is successfully running on TV.

According to Fletcher, two years ago he developed the show “the Best American coach,” and sent the script to several people in Hollywood who might be interested in the project. In particular, the scenario got people who are very close to Stallone. For example, coach Todd Durkin. In 2015 Durkin signed a contract with Fletcher to participate in the show, and then ended with him any relationship. In April 2016, it became known that Durkin over to Stallone, and now they work together to launch similar reality show.

The essence of the program is that 20 coaches, both men and women compete against each other demonstrating all their skills and training.

Robert Fletcher is confident that the show will be a huge success, and therefore claim deductions from net profit, as its author. The lawsuit was filed for $ 7 million. So far, the reviews about this side of Stallone gave.


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