The actress spoke on the delicate subject.
Svetlana Permyakova
Photo: @s_permyakova Instagram Svetlana Permyakova
Svetlana Permyakova decided to have a Frank conversation about cancer. Actress for many years acted in the program of health “About the main thing” and knows firsthand how important time doing surveys. Recently the actress was cancer diagnostics in order to ensure that her health and life threatens nothing.
“Today uncindery diet, tomorrow I am going to do a colonoscopy. For those who don’t know, is when they enter a soft endoscope with a light and camera to examine the entire intestine. If you find something, then at once remove or take a biopsy. To our program the doctors come in and literally screaming about the fact that colorectal cancer is a silent killer that creeps asymptomatic, and that after 40 a must be checked. And we have all that “this place” calls or stupid giggling or terrible fear, — said Svetlana. — I have been reading in the network so much nonsense about the colonoscopy – hurt, scared, ashamed to appear before strangers. This is what fantasy some! Go check for yourself and tell me how it really was. Want to be sure that everything is in order and that my family can be calm. Statistics of mortality from CRC in our country is appalling, with zero information…”
His story of 45-year-old Svetlana wants to draw attention to this problem, because in the early stages this cancer is treatable. According to the Permyakova, this topic should be discussed without scruple, as the health of the population depends on the extent of his knowledge.