Светлана Лобода собирается родить третьего ребенка
The singer told about his intentions on the birthday of Grigory Leps.

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One of the most striking surprises and
real decoration of the birthday of Grigory Leps, who decided to celebrate
56 years on the stage SC “Olympic”, was the appearance of Svetlana Loboda. Artist
showed tremendous figure. “How didn’t give birth,” the whispering guests
caught backstage tribute concert of Grigory Viktorovich, which it shared with the
many star friends.

Светлана Лобода собирается родить третьего ребенка

Svetlana Loboda

Photo: Elizabeth Karpushkina

Svetlana Loboda

Photo: Elizabeth Karpushkina

However, the youngest daughter Tilda already
more than a month, and now she is practically inseparable with my mom. According to Loboda,
the baby suffered great flights to Russia from America. “Til, as we affectionately call her, is still very small,
so the move has been easy for her, — smiles the artist. By the way, Loboda already
dreams of becoming a mother for the third time. “In five years, wait for the boy! Really want
give birth to a son” — shared with 7days.ru Svetlana.

By the way, this evening with the singer
there was a curious incident. When photographers asked her to pose for u
one of the paintings-the photos that adorned the walls behind the scenes “Olympic”, she
refused. Reporters wondered what was the cause until
noticed that the picture captures the moment of performance of the famous group Rammstein.
Apparently, Svetlana very tired of rumors for quite a long
time cruising in the secular parties. Gossips never tire of discussing what father
the second child, the singer is the frontman of the German band till Lindemann.
Fans celebrities have confirmed in the opinion that it might be true after
as Svetlana called the youngest daughter Tilda.