Светлана Иванова вышла из декрета через два месяца после родов
Actress the children returned to Russia.

Svetlana Ivanova

Photo: Philip Goncharov

This year in the life of Svetlana Ivanova there was a happy event: two months ago, she for the second time became a mother. The actress has long decided that the baby must be born in Israel, where he was born, and eldest daughter of the stars Pauline. Svetlana went to the “promised land” at the end of winter. All the last months before birth, Ivanov enjoyed a welcome rest. She spends her days walking with her daughter, breathing in the fresh sea air, eating quality food, which in Moscow, alas, almost impossible to find.

Just in time at the beginning of may was born the second child of the actress and her longtime beloved Director Janik Fayzieva. However, the star’s family still keeps secret the gender of your baby. Parents are not configured to speak frankly about his personal life, therefore, though Svetlana and share some facts from his biography on social networks, details about the kid from time to time to inform anyone not going.

Just two months after giving birth, she was able to play his best role — the role of mother. But the film can’t wait for the young mother infinite, so Ivan had to return home. In early July, the actress still enjoyed the sea and sun in Israel, and now again travel from Moscow to Petersburg and back on the bullet train.

Kids Ivanova, of course, came to Russia together with her mother. “All his to take with me!” jokes on this subject actress. New project, details of which have still not removed in Petersburg, and the star constantly lives in Moscow, so soon to sleep Ivanova, it seems to be only in trains.