Выжившую в кровавой расправе в Тверской области обвинили в любовной связи с убийцей Marina Konygin upset that her miraculous rescue, no one believes. Sister of her dead fiance thought that it gave his documents to the property of others. A lie detector has helped to figure out where the truth and a lie.
Выжившую в кровавой расправе в Тверской области обвинили в любовной связи с убийцей

At the beginning of June last year, the whole country was excited about the news that the inhabitant of the Tver region shot dead nine families in the country people. Initially, it turned out that was the only witness Marina kanygina escaped from the 45-year-old Sergey Egorov, hiding under the blanket. 9 months later there are new shocking details of this terrible massacre. As it turned out, there is another witness – Natalia Chistyakova.

Shot the neighbors in the Tver region detained

A woman came to the Studio of the program “really”. She told me that she came out of the city for the sister of his civil wife Svetlana. Natalia admitted that the man still doesn’t want to talk about this terrible tragedy and not want mention her name, so she named him Sergei. The witness remembered that at the time of the shooting, she, along with Svetlana was in a nearby house from the cottage, which came Egorov. They woke the husband of the owner of the site Oleg – he ordered women to hide. Natalia grabbed the blanket and immediately climbed under the table on the veranda.

“I thought that was the end. I saw him and his boots, he stood for a few moments, turned around, closed the front door, I thought he just stands and waits. Near the entrance stood a barrel of water. I heard that he washed his hands and steps retreating. All the silence,” – said Chistyakov.
Выжившую в кровавой расправе в Тверской области обвинили в любовной связи с убийцей

As it turned out, her boyfriend also escaped the massacre. However, his Sister Svetlana found in the trunk of the murderer, and the corpse of Oleg was in the house. Experts in the Studio could not understand why the closest people in times of danger not to hold each other and saved ourselves. Some have suggested that the civil husband of Natalia’s difficult to go through the death of his sister – maybe he feels guilty for not being able to confront the killer.

Выжившую в кровавой расправе в Тверской области обвинили в любовной связи с убийцей

Marina kanygina, which was originally considered the only survivor of the shooting, was also in the Studio. Sister of her dead fiancé Julia and Oksana accused the girl in a criminal conspiracy with Sergey Egorov. Kanygina she believes that no one can believe how she was able to escape. Women, however, see in these circumstances a hidden meaning.

Survivors of the shooting in the Tver region has shared details of the tragedy

“Thank – a workaholic, after the wedding they had planned in Barcelona, the wedding was to be in September, relatives were preparing. Why two years delayed, we are brother in soul did not climb” – believe sisters of the deceased during the shooting.
Выжившую в кровавой расправе в Тверской области обвинили в любовной связи с убийцей

Marina said that the wedding they saved only due to the fact that she managed to graduate from University and not be distracted by training. Moreover, it considers absurd the accusations of the relatives – after all, no material gain, she still would not have received.

As it turned out, the car men now in the possession of the friends of the deceased. Expert Roman Ulyanin decided to put an end to this case. The polygraph confirmed that Marina never gave buddies the documents to the property, had not planned the murder of the groom and was not involved in a love affair with Sergey Egorov. Despite this, Kanygina had a nervous breakdown. She burst into tears on the unjustified accusations against him.

“Why do you have the right me to drive? Who are you, Julia?” – asked the sister of the deceased husband.