Супруги Стриженовы отправились в романтический вояж The star couple went to Venice for the weekend. Thus Alexander Strizhenov decided to congratulate his beloved wife happy birthday. Famous presenter was left in huge delight from the unexpected surprise of the second half.

      20 Mar TV presenter Ekaterina Strizhenova said birthday. On this occasion, the spouse star decided to give her a pleasant and unexpected surprise. Alexander Strizhenov gave his other half a trip to another country. The choice of the Director and TV presenter without hesitation, went to honeymoon with her husband. The couple decided to go to Venice to plenty of work up through the narrow streets of Italian city and also ride the gondolas. Catherine and Alexander got a lot of bright and unforgettable emotions while traveling abroad.

      “Venice – the weather is fine, the mood also… We were in this amazing city 15 years ago!” – shared host, your post with the hashtags “gift for birthday”, “spring”, “thank you husband” and “output”.

      Fans of celebrities wished them long years of life together. According to many, Catherine and Alexander look great together. “One of the most romantic cities,” “Beautiful, good luck to you! And good mood”, “Love your family”, “I Love Venice”, “Great, brought back memories”, “happy”, “take care of each other and be healthy”, “best of the Best”, “What a lovely gift!”, “Awesome,” was discussed by users of social networks.

      Recall that in October last year, the couple Strizhenov shared with the public event. Celebrities celebrated an important anniversary. “29 years ago we went to the registry office! What we knew then? No-th-th! Only that we love and want to be together,” said Catherine, posting a photo captured in the moment of a romantic dinner. The fans of the stars were quick to congratulate them with a velvet wedding and wished by Strizhenovy happiness and harmony in family life.

      Many fans of celebrities believe that they are one of the most sturdy and harmonious pairs in Russian show business. During the conversation with journalists the well-known TV presenter openly admitted that in their family home – a man. According to Catherine, the recipe of a happy marriage is very simple. The woman said that for many years joint life we need to respect their mate and to make decisions spouse as a given. “I was taught this in childhood,” the star shared with correspondents.