«До сих пор в больнице»: Алика Смехова переживает за здоровье младшего сына
The actress has apologized for a Grand Banquet.

Alika Smekhova with the eldest son Artem

Photo: @alika_smekhova Instagram Aliki Laughter

Alika Smekhova last week celebrated its 50th anniversary. On the occasion of this Grand event was organized by the concert and a Banquet., bringing together family and closest friends Laughter. Many have noticed that holiday was missing the youngest son Aliki Makar. As it turned out, on the eve of the anniversary he ended up in the hospital. But Tom, the eldest heir of the actress, supported the mother and even sang her a song of his own composition.

About the reasons of hospitalization of the younger son Alec did not spread. By the way, despite the tragedy in Kemerovo, Smekhova did not cancel the feast, for which he was criticized by detractors. Later, the actress justified that the party was not a day of national mourning. In addition, guests honored the memory of victims minute of silence.

“The week was not easy, not only in the country but I have. On the eve of the anniversary of the younger son was in hospital where he is still senior porn pleased,did his rap. Begin to share with you photos and get ahead of the hypocrites and ill-wishers, the anniversary was not a day of mourning and we began the concert with a minute of silence!” — wrote in his microblog Smekhova.