Стеша Маликова спускает деньги на дорогую косметику The daughter of singer admitted as caring for themselves. For many, Stephanie is a role model, because her skin and hair glowing healthy Shine. As it turned out, Malikov spends on luxury brands.

      The daughter of a popular singer Dmitry Malikov Stesha has already won the recognition of thousands of teenagers. Girls discuss her stylish looks, and often ask the star’s Instagram advice about cosmetics and hair products. The heiress of the artist tells about lipsticks, perfume and attire in social networks.

      Many users repeatedly noted that Stasi skin always looks glowing and there are no rashes. One of podeschi Malikova asked whether the heir of the artist budget cosmetics.

      “No, don’t believe that skin care should be cheap, as well as the tone means,’ replied Stephanie.

      In one of the posts Malikov admitted that buys literally all the jars and palettes. “You have so many cosmetics that eight is enough,” says my mother. Actually, I think, I pace can be a great a beauty blogger”.

      Among the brands Stesha pointed out American brand, whose funds help for my skin. As previously noted fans, Malikov prefers to spend a lot of money not only on cosmetics but also on the outfits. 17-year-old daughter of the singer buys the dresses from the latest collections of famous designers, the cost of which starts from 50-60 thousand rubles. Stesha Malikova pulled $ 1,000 on school dress

      Many users of social networks has repeatedly criticized the star heiress because she spends money of parents. However, Dmitry and Elena Malikova claim that Stesha is itself earns money, particularly by selling advertising on Instagram, which is followed by more than 400 thousand people.

      “Stesha, she lovely”, “charming”, “Incredibly beautiful”, “Beautiful smile”, “Pretty”, – praised the girl followers.

      However, there are also those who are trying to stab Stashu negative comments or scolding for being too adult images. The girl had learned to react to criticism. “I think my character has developed an immunity to gossip and talk envious of girls who like to sit on the sofa, nibble sunflower seeds and discuss my teeth, hair, lips, nose, not realizing that by doing so, they block their own success and their upward movement”, – said Malikov.