Стеша Маликова готовится к переезду из родительского дома
The next edition of “Parole” with Yuri Nikolayev was devoted to the popular singer and composer Dmitry Malikov.

Стеша Маликова готовится к переезду из родительского дома

In the transfer and daughter of by Stesha Malikova answered a number of questions. In recognition of the girl herself, she is already thinking about moving to a separate apartment, the more it will soon turn 18 years old.

Стеша Маликова готовится к переезду из родительского дома

“The Pope himself understands that this life that I’m almost eighteen and I’m already out of this warm family nest – admitted Stesha. – Well, eighteen years. What can I say as it were?”

Dmitry knows that soon the successor may present him and his chosen wife, and they in turn will accept whatever decision she makes.

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