Стивен Болдуин раскритиковал брата Алека Болдуина из-за негатива в адрес Дональда Трампа

Who took on his new position with Donald trump divided the country into two camps – those that supported it, others criticized. But as it turned out, this division is possible not only nationwide, but specifically in a given family. What, for example, was the family of Baldwins.

For several months the star of the movie “the Habit to marry” Alec Baldwin criticized the new President. The actor did his parody, and on the eve of the inauguration of New York made a fiery speech, once again expressing their willingness to fight against the current government: “Donald trump, Steve Bannon and Mike Pensi can now relax. But one thing they don’t know: new Yorkers never give up. I am the parent. Our children need to know what’s really going on, and understand what a real American. They deserve full transparency of his government”.

While the elder Baldwin is fighting for impeachment, the youngest Baldwin Stephen is a brother not to make a spectacle of yourself.

Steven criticized her brother, saying that his parody work for a long time and frankly not funny. “People are calmly and deliberately cast their vote for trump, because I believe in him and give him the opportunity to unite the country”, — said Baldwin, Jr.

Note that previously a similar statement was made by the Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman.

“I just want to say that it is already selected, and as citizens, we must support whoever became President, because in this and built our state. It doesn’t matter what happened and how, most importantly, he is at this place, and we must go forward”, — said recently the Australian.