Падчерица Бориса Химичева подделала ДНК-тест его внебрачной дочери A friend of the late actor explained why the first DNA test confirmed the relationship of Boris Himicheva and Daria Ganichevoy. Also the woman said, what does this have to do with his adopted daughter Elena Dmitrieva.
Падчерица Бориса Химичева подделала ДНК-тест его внебрачной дочери

People’s artist of Russia Boris Khimichev was married five times. However, none of the official marriage of the actor did not appear of their children. Only after his death in 2014, it became known that Boris Petrovich has an illegitimate daughter. Ballerina Darya Ganicheva for two years proved his kinship with the famous actor. For this girl along with her mother not only went on television and participated in a talk show, but was twice passed the DNA tests. The first analysis gave the most positive result of kinship Ganichevoy and Khimichev (for the definition of kinship match the girl’s DNA and a brother artist Leonid Petrovich). And only at the second attempt managed to prove that Daria is really a native child of the people’s artist.

Illegitimate daughter of Boris Khimichev learned the truth about their relationship

Friend Boris Khimichev Antonina Savrasov-Abramova believes that in the first case, not without the intervention of a stepdaughter of the artist – Elena Dmitrieva, a native daughter of his fifth wife, Galina Sizova.

“Dasha with her mother were transported for examination in Belyaevo, but on the road gave a different route and brought them to the street Miklukho-Maklay. Later it turned out that in the forensic laboratory Lena usually passes your tests. Now where did that result. But then still made a detailed examination, and all came together. I must say that Boris Petrovich was afraid of life that Lena will poison him or the other way sent to the light,” said Antonina Savrasov-Abramov.

Elena Dmitrieva to date, the only heir of Boris Khimichev. After the departure of actor he left property – apartment in Moscow, a huge house, two villas abroad – in Spain and Cyprus. Dear daughter of artist Darya Ganicheva inheritance does not claim, as repeatedly stated in a television interview. However, Antonina Savrasov-Abramova believes that a girl should expect that is allowed by the law of kinship: “Boris didn’t want to leave the house to Lena, he was thinking to rewrite it to Yuri Bulanov (each Himicheva, a neighbor at the cottage. – Ed.) and his brother. He wanted them took their part and took care of Dasha: bought her an apartment to Dasha lived separately, she had her personal life and she was independent from her mother. The car he gave her, even when he was alive. Dasha lives with her mom, of course she needs this legacy,” said the woman sobesednik.ru.