Стефания Маликова с теплотой вспоминает школьные годы
This year the successor of the popular singer and composer Dmitry Malikov Stefania successfully graduated from high school and entered the University.

Стефания Маликова с теплотой вспоминает школьные годы

The girl admitted that he really misses school and classmates. According to Stesi it hard adapting to a new life.

“This sweet word “school”. Remember, in recent years, wanted to finish school. And today got nostalgic, with tears in his eyes I realize that it was a great time. Everything is a native, warm, cozy. It is a pity that now only remains to come to the reunion. Appreciate the moments before they become memories. It is unique,” – shared the girl.

But I think Stephanie will soon change their mind and understand that student life has its charms.

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