Заявление Анны Хилькевич о втором ребенке заставляет задуматься
Actress Anna Khilkevich second time became a mother on August 20. On light there was a girl called Mary.

Заявление Анны Хилькевич о втором ребенке заставляет задуматься

Заявление Анны Хилькевич о втором ребенке заставляет задуматься

Заявление Анны Хилькевич о втором ребенке заставляет задуматься

Заявление Анны Хилькевич о втором ребенке заставляет задуматься

“Wait…. our truly long-awaited, the lion. rather, the lioness. now Arieseni have a friend for life)))) or native person, which sisterly trolling. It was a difficult but very fruitful night! Thanks to all who participated. I have a lot just write(and the winner is also required)… and yet… we sleep”

happily wrote in the blog Anna.

During discharge, the trip home, having posted a photo of her husband, he quipped:

“My husband’s face when he realized what awaits us in the coming days and nights.”

Заявление Анны Хилькевич о втором ребенке заставляет задуматься

But as it turned out, sleeping it’s not so bad:

“I need to sleep I just had to find a second child… where is the logic?”

– told Anna yesterday.

Moms in the comments of the actress perplexed, suggesting that the actress was in earnest or joking, or do it so quickly began to fall asleep everywhere that, indeed, sleep problems are no.