Звезды соболезнуют родственникам погибших в авиакатастрофе The artists commented on the incident in the suburbs tragedy. Yulia Savichev, Igor Nikolaev and many other artists mourn with the family and friends of the victims. Representatives of show business hope that the cause of the crash will be established in the near future.
Звезды соболезнуют родственникам погибших в авиакатастрофе

11 February in the Moscow region crashed the plane An-148, flying from Domodedovo to Orsk. The crash killed 65 passengers and six crew members. The incident shocked the public. First condolences to the families and loved ones expressed by President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

The plane crash in the suburbs: details, version and history of the miraculous salvation

The star also decided to stay away. Many of them have already expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims through social networks. So, Rudy noted that she always gets scared when there are such terrible tragedy.

“In the Moscow region crashed passenger plane. Always becomes terrible from that consciousness, how can the second be 60. My sincere condolences to the family and friends of the victims,” wrote the actress on Instagram.

Alexander Rosenbaum, in turn, posted audiomobile “In a moment the world changed”, with its touching signature.

«Mourn. Condolences to the families. Grief,” wrote the actor on Instagram.

Igor Nikolaev noted that the event was a great sorrow not only for the relatives but for the whole country. He also posted the post about the tragedy in his Instagram.

“A passenger plane from Moscow to Orsk crashed after departure. People died. 71. Commiserate and mourn with the families whose homes came to grief,” shared the feelings of the artist.

Maxim Galkin has learned about the tragedy after the concert. The artist was shocked and rushed to Express condolences to relatives of victims. According to the comedian, the incident was a major disaster for the whole country.

“Just after the concert, learned about the crash of flight 703. Bring from our family’s deepest condolences to the families of those killed in a terrible plane crash. Big trouble, mind you,” wrote Galkin in social networks.

Sluchivsheesya shocked and Kristina Orbakaite. She hurried to share with your subscribers emotions and expressed his deepest respects to all the families of the passengers and crew of the An-148. “How could this happen?! The tragedy in peacetime. Condolences to the families of the victims, there are no words,” wrote the star.

Sergey Lazarev once again reminded Polonicum that we need to appreciate every moment of life, because who knows when it will end. Artist mourns with the families of the victims. “What a terrible tragedy. Condolences to the families of the victims! Our life is very fragile, and sometimes depends on third parties, and from different events. Appreciate life, your loved ones! Enjoy every minute,” wrote the singer in Instagram.

But Alexander Panayotov sure that the tragedy occurred because of the company “Saratov airlines”. He noted that the aircraft was originally faulty, and therefore to avoid the crash was impossible. Speaking to representatives of the portal Dni.ru the singer noticed that all perceive the incident as a personal tragedy.

“I always resented the fact that in Saratov not flying, no airline, in addition to “the Saratov airlines”. Monopoly with older aircraft and indecent service. I still don’t understand how is that even possible? So even Aeroflot does not fly to Saratov? And now this tragedy. My condolences to all the relatives of the victims,” – said the singer.

Now with relatives of passengers psychologists. Vladimir Putin canceled a business trip to Sochi in order to lead the work of emergency staff themselves. The rubble will take another few hours. According to the latest information, the black box of a fallen side of the An-148 has been found, and it will be established the true cause of the tragedy.