«СтарХит» поздравляет с Новым годом! The editorial Board, headed by Andrey Malakhov wish you unlimited happiness and prosperity! Let the Rooster bring your life with bright events and interesting news.

    The project “StarHit” and its chief editor Andrei Malakhov congratulate our readers a happy New year.

    May it bring you lots of joyful news, endless love, good health and success in all Affairs! Let the difficulties and hardships remain in the past year. We believe that in 2017 we expect only positive emotions!

    “StarHit” thank you for your friendship and loyalty. We promise that in new year we will delight our subscribers exclusive content, interesting interviews and vivid photos.

    I hasten to inform you that the site will continue without any interruption to inform you about fresh news from the world of show business during the Christmas holidays. Don’t forget to buy our magazine on 3 January!

    All your favorite artists congratulate the readers of “StarHit” with the upcoming holiday and wish that the year of the Rooster has become a bright and memorable! Specially for you the stars have recorded new year’s greetings.