Звезда на связи: какие тайны хранит телефон Надежды Ангарской Artist popular female Comedy Woman not afraid to disclose the contents of the gadget. Correspondence with her husband, the area of the child “StarHit” looked in iPhone actress Hopes Redwood and find out why her son trendy app, and it is the statistics of the social network.

      Звезда на связи: какие тайны хранит телефон Надежды Ангарской

      Nadezhda Angarskaya rarely shares with fans the details of family life. Increasingly, the artist can be seen in the photos with tours, performances and rehearsals. However, for the “StarHit” star Comedy Woman made an exception and showed not only the contents of your phone in General, but correspondence with her beloved husband and loved little boy.

      The gadget is the artist you can discover pictures of her little heir, videos its fun and the most exciting toys. For example, the kid loves the app Sound Touch Lite, through which learns to recognize different animals. “He’s not coming off! Little finger leads on the beast, and he makes a sound,” explained Hope.

      One of the most used programs in the phone Redwood remains a “Instagram”. A young woman follows the news from colleagues, as well as analyzes its own tape. “I learned statistics in “Instagram” – boasted star. – Analyze what people are interested to watch, and spread it.”

      Interestingly, in the phone book celebrity husband is recorded as “May Love Raed”. Nationality is the chosen of Hope Jordanian, and therefore between the couple speak English. And in correspondence with the beloved Redwood increasingly uses expressions in a foreign language, but sometimes meets and in Russian.

      “I love to exchange voice messages. If you are constantly going to print, the time on what does not remain, – shared the artist. Husband, especially if we are not there, send your pictures. I often write fans – mined somewhere in the room or in direct instagram. Somehow did not go there for a month, then had to read and reply to 2 thousand messages.”