Звезда Comedy Club оказался в центре скандала из-за неуместной шутки Comedian allowed himself to respond negatively about the Bashkir national hero Salavat yulaeva. Unhappy viewers demanding that Ruslan White made a public apology. Many also publicly condemned the behavior of the humorist, finding that he thus attracts attention.

38-year-old comedian Ruslan White appeared in the center of the scandal. One of the recent broadcasts of the program “Comic in the city” was dedicated to Ufa. The essence of the project lies in the fact that the White jokes over different parts of Russia, their inhabitants and traditions. However, according to some viewers, Ruslan went too far, speaking about the national Bashkir hero Salvage ulaeva.

A statement stand-up comedian caused a very mixed reaction from the Ufa. White questioned the status Yulaev and negatively evaluated his work.

“I don’t want to destroy your hero. Not sure you thought about this or not, but in fact he is a thug. The robber, rose in revolt against the existing government, against Catherine II, the Board which is generally considered to be the heyday of the Russian Empire,” said comedian.

At the time, one of the main leaders of the Peasant war of the late 18th century and associate of Pugachev erected a monument in Ufa. The monument, weighing 40 tons has become the hallmark of the city, his image is on the coat of arms of Bashkortostan. The sculpture was cast a month and a half at one of the factories of Leningrad, the author of Soslanbek Tavasiev was awarded the State prize of the USSR. In his speech, White was unable to pass this subject.

“Maybe we’re not so quick to put the heroes monuments? Maybe see how they exist in different political system, you know? Look, for example, Pushkin. It is when the Russian Empire was the hero? Hero. In the Soviet time hero? Hero. Now a hero. All worthy of a monument. And Salavat Yulaev what? When the Russian Empire was a bandit, in the Communist era hero, now – well, let it be. We, the horse endure? There is after these eggs!” – said Ruslan.

In addition, White urged to find a new hero. According to the comedian, an excellent option could be the athlete Laysan utiasheva.

Athlete Elbrus Nigmatullin, the title holder “the strongest person of Russia”, got acquainted with a resonant release of a Comedy show and demanded that the comedian apologize. The man said that White allowed himself an invalid comparison.

“In one of the TV programs on channel TNT Comic Ruslan White called Salavat Yulaev bandit. I like Bashkir insulted by these words. I think he owes us an apology for what was said. For us, Bashkirs, Salavat Yulaev was and remains a national hero. And no touring artists will not change our opinion of him”, – I wrote Ruslan in social networks.

Disgruntled viewers launched in the Network the hashtag #salavatabad. They turn to White with an urgent request to bring a public apology for the inappropriate joke. “History should know! (…) Salavat Yulaev not just a person in history. He represents all of Bashkir warriors, fighters for justice and the rights of the people”, “you Know, lately, apparently, it has become fashionable to draw attention to yourself by offending anyone”, “It’s an indicator of morality,” “What kind of fashion went to hypnoti on someone, no matter whom,” write the users of the Internet.