The singer was surprised by his outfit. Posting a picture on his page in the social network, 34-year-old lover Nikolai Baskov received many comments about its appearance. Followers were pleasantly surprised by the picture and did not hide their emotions.
Stage costume, Sofia Kalcheva caused rough reaction of users in Instagram at a concert of her lover Nikolai Baskov. They began to praise the figure of a young woman and to Express her sympathy. According to followers, the artist went to a beautiful girl who works in the same environment as him.
The singer did not itself comment on the image created especially for the concert. It is only presented to the subscribers of the shots in this sexy outfit. The audience was sympathetic to the choice Kolcevoy. The followers noted that she was pleasantly surprised viewers of the show. And those who managed to see Sofia firsthand, acknowledged that a woman looks much more impressive than in the pictures.
Lover Nikolai Baskov intriguing spicy images
“No picture will not give all the beauty of this image and costume, you’re gorgeous, Sophie!”, “This is what they mean when they say that beauty will save the world!”, “I’m in shock! it’s just incredibly beautiful, Sophie!” noted followers in “Instagram.”
Subscribers even compare Sofia with a mermaid, a nymph and the goddess Aphrodite. It is obvious that this effect she wanted. Long curls actress caused a feeling of envy of the female half of the audience. The followers noted that the invented image fully conveys mirhoseini singer. She looks the most feminine. Sofia also managed to publish a picture together with the singer Natalie, who also took part in the “Game” Baskov. Both artists, according to fans, charming.