“Miss universe” summed up the year.
Oksana Fedorova
Oksana Fedorova held a charity dinner for partners
your Fund “Hasten to do good”.
“In 2017, the year my Fund was 8 years old, and have
to note, this year has been prolific, she said. — Thanks to our
friends and partners we were able to implement a number of projects within
programs of the Fund: to produce and present in the hall of columns of the trilogy
“Little heroes of the great war”, put two more walk of fame, young heroes in
The suburbs, to host two of the festival “Between us girls”, in Moscow and
Saransk, for more than 600 pupils of children’s homes, to run together
volunteer project “health-care party”, to help 14 sick children,
to implement a number of charity events in Sochi, in the Children’s festival
of arts “Kinotavrik”, to hold a competition of works for children young
composers “Tchaikovsky — Heritage” together with Fund of support of national
of culture. P. I. Tchaikovsky. Special joy and pride for our Foundation
received the presidential grant for the project “walk of fame
young heroes of the great war”, and the fact that our festival is “Between us
girls” has entered into number of winners of Competition of Grants of the Committee of public
relations of the Moscow Government. And especially a pleasure and privilege for me was to
the title of “goodwill Ambassador” of the volunteer Association of the capital “Mosvolonter!”
In addition, Oksana has told about the new project of the Foundation,
which it takes part along with his 5-year-old son Fedor.
“Our Fund “Hasten to do good” takes part in many
charities. This year we will be present at “Kielce on
Sofile” she said. — I was involved with his son Fedor. This is for
his first experience, – told Oksana Fedorova. — Fyodor
tried hard, ran errands for the Director. But then the son got tired and said
Director: “I don’t want to play, let me go home!” I think Fyodor after
this case would not dream of becoming an actor”.