Сын Ивана Охлобыстина празднует первый юбилей
The actor and Director gave Sawa the plane of dreams.

Сын Ивана Охлобыстина празднует первый юбилей

Son Of Ivan Okhlobystin Sava

Photo: @psykero1477 (Instagram Ivan Okhlobystin)

The youngest son of Ivan Okhlobystin Sawa today turned ten years old. “First anniversary”, — the actor smiles. However, with the date of birth — March 22 — the boy was not very lucky. Because the holiday almost always falls in the period of Great Lent. And when you consider that Ivan and his wife Oksana raising their children to be true Christians, and taste, for example sweet cake, and indeed widely to celebrate the birthday of the Sava will not work.

But a loving dad gave him what the boy had long dreamed of: a radio-controlled plane with a video camera. Happiness Sava no bounds.
By the way, Sawa only this year started school. But once in the third grade — before this time the child was homeschooled. My parents decided that it would be better for the development of the son.

Interestingly, this year in the family Ohlobystina several anniversaries. The eldest son of actor Ivan two weeks ago celebrated its 15th anniversary.
We will remind, the Russian actor, Director and priest. Ivan Okhlobystin with his wife Oksana is raising six children: Basil, Savva, Anfisa, Evdokia, Barbara and John. “Children are a miracle. Already the mere appearance of them on the miracle. There was no man there” — says the large artist.

According to Ivan, one of the important components of his relationship with children is a deep respect for their private life. “They have inherited my craving for realism, and from my grandfather — medical cynicism. Adequately assess that are still small to understand love. But they fall in love and trust me with their secrets. I know that I am extremely sensitive and will never lead a conversation about it, if you do not want to share. They can safely leave a computer on the table. Neither I nor mother will not move into their privacy,” said Ivan in an interview with the magazine “7 Days”.

Ivan Okhlobystin with his sons Basil and Sawa

Photo: @psykero1477 (Instagram Ivan Okhlobystin)

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