Стройная теория: как правильно вести борьбу за идеальное тело “StarHit” has chosen several ways there is no better, and figured out how to reduce the amount of calories consumed and to increase their consumption, not fighting nor hunger, nor with laziness.

      Стройная теория: как правильно вести борьбу за идеальное тело

      The struggle for harmony is all kinds of hardship, lone cucumber for lunch and dream about cheesecakes sleepless nights? And here and there. There are many simple ways to reduce the amount of calories consumed and to increase their consumption, not fighting nor hunger, nor with laziness.

      Snacking in moderation

      All nutritionists say about the benefits of fractional power as usual. And this system is really good, but only if the snacks are not too much. A banana after Breakfast, a couple of cookies before dinner, then another couple with afternoon tea, an Apple here, galetka there – all these little things even perceived as food, and yet during those snacking we can discreetly eat about 800-1000 calories!

      Keep the Windows open

      In cool weather the body spends extra calories to keep you warm, maiden. And those calories he takes in time of emergency rations, that is from fat. Make sure the temperature in the apartment does not exceed +25°C, and more walk in the cold. On a cold day for a 10-minute promenade you can burn as many calories as half an hour walking through the alleys of the summer. However, when you get home, the body wants to return to the status quo and you will pull on something greasy and heavy. Trick yourself a hot Cup of tea or a light soup.

      Give up the habit of dining experience under the series

      Our brain – not to say that multi-tasking genius. And when you make it at the same time to focus on the cakes, and the conflict series, conflict will win. The quality of movie digestion not affected, but to control the amount of food eaten becomes much more difficult. Chops was over, and the TV series yet? Put yourself a couple more. Fans to combine business with pleasant consume on average 300 calories a day more.

      Стройная теория: как правильно вести борьбу за идеальное тело

      Eat with the left hand

      Or right if you are left-handed. Yes, slow and uncomfortable, but that’s the point. As you eat slower, the brain remains much more time to send a signal about saturation.

      Drink plain water

      Calories obtained from liquid, our brain ignores. Meanwhile, a couple of cups of juice and a can of soda is already very powerful Supplement to the diet. A large glass of fruit juice contains about 130-150 calories, compote – 250-280, Bank, soda – 140. Only 2 or 3 cups – and for a quarter of your daily calorie intake came running, and there are still want.

      Remember the caloric content of food

      Not any products at all (still can’t remember), and those that you normally have in your fridge. And especially those that have a snack. Monitored diet a lot easier if you know that the average banana weighs 150 calories Apple – 80, nectarine – 60 oatmeal cookies – 90, and a sausage sandwich – all 200.

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