Похудевшая Анфиса Чехова поразила подписчиков
Two weeks ago the 39-year-old Anfisa Chekhova almost confirmed the second pregnancy, and after diverted attention from this news incredible cleavage, which appeared on Muz-TV.

Похудевшая Анфиса Чехова поразила подписчиков

“For the life of me, I can not stop looking at his yesterday’s dress. I think I even slept. But, the next few events, I again pinned it, and I don’t care about that twice one dress in business wear is not accepted! Craftswomen who sewed it for me, said the photo”

– describe your appearance Anfisa.

Похудевшая Анфиса Чехова поразила подписчиков

In addition to appearing on red carpets, Anfisa recently “noted” the filming of the series, which looked noticeably thinner.
“Finished filming the TV series “like it.” This is a new series, and the writers have wound say that. downloaded. My character’s name is Stella. The pop star, typical, I would say, a lady of show business.”

– shared the star.

Похудевшая Анфиса Чехова поразила подписчиков

But followers were interested not only in the series, how much appearance is noticeably postroynevshaya Anfisa Chekhova. Because of the barrage of questions, Chekhov decided to a great revelation:

“So, friends, continue to write to me about what I became anorexic, lost identity, is made all the Reputable declare, the girl with the height 163 and weight 63-65 (it varies throughout the month) and a size 44-46 can not be considered anorexic! According to the current canons, I even still considered Plus size. And once again, I have not lost weight specifically!!!!!! Nothing at all was done in order to lose weight! I do not sit on diets, I eat all they want and in such amounts that would feel well-fed! Therefore, a hungry look that you regularly try to see my pictures, it’s a figment of your imagination. I didn’t take any special pills, did not put any cylinders in the stomach, nothing cut off! And that is why my body started the process of losing weight, I will ever tell you in detail! All dream about what would all eat and not get fat! And no one formulates his query: “What would not have what bad for my body!” Now, I sincerely don’t want to eat all those foods that make me sick, tired, not thinking, aggressive, unhappy and hard… And come to this only if your Love for yourself is strong and conscious! I will write more, much more. My thoughts…
P. S. the biggest weight I was 90 kg. This is when we spent summer in Georgia. But it quickly went to 80, when I started to eat normally and not hachapury, etc. From 80 to 63 lost for eight months”.

I wonder how you figure Anfisa Chekhova? I think this is better than a skinny “stick” on the legs.

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