Сестра Ольги Бузовой боится выходить замуж Anna explained his position. According to relatives of the star, she doesn’t rush to the registry office with her partner. The girl fears that her family life is not successful and they get divorced like hundreds of other couples.

Sister Olga Buzova Anna tries not to advertise his personal life, but sometimes in her microblog appear footage with her boyfriend. Sometimes the followers are insisting, that it pleased their romantic shots, however the girl follows the rule: “Happiness loves silence”. Anna already long meeting with the elect, but in no hurry to formalize the relationship. She wants to have a strong family, and not to part with her husband in a few years.

“Perhaps, having witnessed the collapse of a huge number of couples and marriage stamp in the passport has lost for us its former importance. When you begin a discussion on this topic, you always hear the same arguments: we need confidence in each other, a proof of love, proof of devotion and loyalty. Unfortunately, I had never ever seen any couple who would maintain cordial relations within their cells only through the stamp. How many gorgeous weddings I’ve seen so many beautiful words and toast, the same heavy, ugly and full of hate divorce,” says Anna.

In 2016 Buzova Jr. saw how ruined her sister’s relationship with Dmitry Tarasov. That is why she does not want to repeat such an example of family life.

“I’m not against marriage, and we necessarily conclude, but certainly not as a proof of love, but simply as a kind of action that needs to be done. And let me even the whole world insists on the fact that I married the right stamp, required wedding, for me it only makes sense that there is love, understanding and respect. It does not to stamp and not to measure,” says the girl.

“Usually, if people long time together and not get married, then it usually doesn’t want a man and a woman otmazyvatsya, they say, the stamp in the passport changes nothing”, – these findings do some subscribers.